What is the Good News? And how does the Gospel apply to my life today?
Christian author and pastor, Matt Eachus, explores this question (along with many more) in this new, video-enhanced ebook eciple: Gospel - Encountering and Remembering the Good News of Jesus. Many don't know exactly what the Good News is and what it means for their life. Come experience, understand, and own the life-changing transformation of the Good News. Matt weaves his story of salvation and how the Gospel changed his life into this humorous, wisdom-filled and easy-to-read eBook from a firm biblical perspective. Without compromise, the author explicitly displays how all come short of the glory of God and how we all are sinners in need of a savior. eciple: Gospel is available for $4.99 (or less) in all major eBook stores including Amazon, the iBookstore, and Barnes & Noble. To learn more about eciple: Gospel including a short video trailer, click here.
About the Author:
Matt Eachus graduated from Liberty University in 2001 and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2010. Currently he serves as Lead Pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Halfmoon, New York. He has a passion for proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel and delights in serving, teaching and mentoring others to know the life-changing power of the Gospel. His gift of communication facilitates the transfer of the deep things of God into an easy to understand life application for many that are looking for answers.
About eciple:
eciple: Gospel is the first volume in the the eciple™ series of video-enhanced e-books which are designed to be concise, focused, and simple tools in the hands of Christians and curious and skeptical non-Christians alike. Our desire is that through these works, you would be introduced to the Faith, strengthened in your walk with Christ, and encouraged to be a more committed servant of Jesus. You won't find academic, technical, or high-sounding language in these books. Plenty of those options are available from other publishers and authors. Instead, you'll find refreshing, easy-to-read, plain-language conversations about Jesus, his Church, the Bible, and what it means to live the Christian life. Our prayer is that through these accessible and simple works, the majesty, wisdom, and beautiful complexity of God would be seen in a way that stirs and strengthens faith in the hearts of our readers. Thank you for choosing this eciple work as part of your faith journey. We trust that it will be a worthy companion. For more information visit the eciple website.
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