FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Thomas G. Thompson presents, Christ's Humanity A Thing To be Grasped.
Have you ever questioned the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ? Let this book settle the score as to any doubt that resides in your mind about Christ and His humanity or His divinity. This work offers sound orthodox doctrine through presentation and analysis of Scripture, revealing the person as of Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, with a divine nature, but in human form. Therefore, He was fully God and fully man, making Him the perfect sacrificial Lamb sent to take away the sins of the world. Basing the book on the scripture, "He did not think existing in the form of and being equal to God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself taking the form of a slave." The author unveils to the reader that the sacrifice of Christ, as the true Son of God, is something to ponder, understand and fully grasp.
With such chapters such as: God, the Unity and Trinity: Christ as God and man; the Biblical Doctrine; Reasonable Questions; Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation; Christ as a Prophet, and subjects such as the atonement: justification and sanctification, the author gives the reader knowledge as to Christ's divinity and humanity that builds from a firm scriptural understanding of the trinity.
This is a work that is to be relished in one's mind and provokes deep appreciation as the book reveals an understanding of who Christ was and how His humanity relates to us. This is what makes the sacrifice complete – He was fully God and fully man. Offering biblical truth through the scriptures, the author does not give his opinion, but rather feeds the reader the Word of God about Christ. From reading this piece, the reader will discover a deeper knowing of the humanity of Jesus Christ and that it is something to be pondered on, as He "emptied himself" for mankind.
It is the author's earnest desire that the body of Christ be uplifted by a more full and true understanding of Christ's humanity. Readers will be enriched, enlightened and inspired by this book that is rich with scriptural truths.
Get your copy on Amazon or visit the author's website at Christ's Humanity where you will find out more about the author, the book and some great ministry.
Christian Press Release sharing Christ with the nations.
Christian Press Release sharing Christ with the nations.
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