Nick Costello writes to today's youth on the subject of worship and music, a very relevant issue facing parents, youth leaders and teenagers today. It's more than just another book on music and it's deceptive messages. He asks the poignant question, "Whom are you worshiping?" in his new book entitled Kiss What? This book is written to the youth of today who unknowingly glorify Satan's kingdom by the music that they choose to listen to. Captivating, challenging and inspiring, the author gives a quick study on Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego from the Book of Daniel, thereby revealing the same call for today's youth. This is to be an uncompromised vessel that will not bow down to any other thing or idol, but worship God only. The author reveals that there is much peer pressure from the world and others to make them bow down to other idols and music is one of them, instead the author instructs and encourages worship of the One true God,
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Not only will this read lead many of our youths to repentance and salvation, this teaching inspires youths to live a holy Christ centered life. The chapters are structured in such a way to encourage youths to live a life that is focused on godly things, purity and faith, revealing that God is always with us in the "fiery furnace" or "storms of life" and will never leave or forsake us, as well as addressing current issues such as peer pressure that many youths face.
From his story you will learn that he was once caught up in the fast lane lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock and roll. As a former rock star, his testimony is one that reveals God's love and redemptive power. The author is only concerned about one thing and that is that you come to know Jesus and live a life all about Him. With a heart for our youth of today and a passion for evangelism, the author addresses this issue of worship from a biblical perspective that will help parents and teens alike face real-life issues that teach attitudes and actions that are pleasing in the sight of God. The book concludes with a challenge for teenagers to trash their ungodly music.
This book is an excellent teaching tool and highly recommended for pastors, youth pastors and parents
Be sure to visit Author Nick Costello for more information and some great ministry. You may also order Nick's book Kiss What? on Amazon.
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