Title: Apprehended and Apprehending
By: M.J. André
Date: October 5, 2012
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Author M.J. André writes with compassion in, Apprehended and Apprehending. Based on Philippians 3:10-12, this book has been birthed from the author's own seven-year wilderness season. It is the author's hopes and sincere desire to bring others to a new life in Him and to true salvation. The author reveals from Scripture, elaborating on what true Christianity is and what it is not. In this radical new book, the author delves into what true Christianity really means and what it means to walk after Christ and in the Spirit. If we are to come into full spiritual maturity, we are to abide in Christ and surrender ourselves completely to His will.
Developed as a guidebook, this book will provide refreshment and answers to questions for those that may be going through their own wilderness experiences. The reader will find life-giving refreshment, truth and find the truth that is in Christ. Providing much needed encouragement through the wilderness process, the author notes that this is the only way to God. We experience the true Christian life when we abide in Him and are changed from the inside out to reflect the character of Christ here on this Earth. Salvation is not a one-way ticket to Heaven, although, "True Salvation is nothing short of possessing the heart of God the Father," the author emphatically writes.
The work of salvation has many stages, all requiring complete dedication, surrender, perseverance and endurance as one continues on to win the prize as spoken of in Philippians 3:10-12. The prize is not what many preach from the pulpit that tickles the ears of the hearer; however, the prize is God himself and having the heart of the Father. Salvation is a gift from the unmerited grace of God bestowed for those who are truly called.
The author asks-do we truly know Christ and walk with him? Have we surrendered ourselves fully to know His will? This is what the Scripture in Philippians speaks of; we live, only to know Him. The Promised Land and the abundant life do not coming from repeating the sinner's prayer and sitting in church every Sunday.
This book is highly recommended for those Saints that have fully surrendered their life to the Lord, but may need encouragement and guidance as they experience their own wilderness seasons. One can find deep hope and a greater understanding and maturity in the Lord after reading this book. A must read for the entire body of Christ!
For more information visit Apprehended and Apprehending by M.J. André. You may also get your copy of Apprehended and Apprehending on Amazon and at other fine online bookstores.
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
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