By: Dr. Paul Mulani
Review Date: July 30, 2012
Review by: CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
His Presence: Our Greatest Need by Dr. Paul Mulani is a powerful, life-changing book that will ignite and restore passion for Jesus. Not only does Dr. Mulani present the scenario of what our greatest need as "human beings" is; he also draws an amazing conclusion as he backs up his claim by biblical representations that unquestionably are the answer. He gives the truth of the Word and presents an amazing and powerful presentation to the entire Body of Christ. This book will be revolutionary in one's walk, when applied; you will never be the same after reading this book. If you thirst after God and want to know how to have more of God and His presence in your life, this book comes highly recommended.
What are we all in search of? Happiness, security, significance, appreciation, rest, peace-what is it that the human race is longing for? Dr. Paul Mulani delivers biblical theology that you don't hear from the pulpit today. He gives real answers from a biblical perspective. Make no mistake-this is not a watered down philosophy built to make one look and feel better, this is the Word of God presented in fullness with much scriptural application through the parables presented in the Bible.
Dr. Mulani intertwines revelatory scriptural knowledge and teaching that not only give deep spiritual insight to the "problem" that we all have, but provides strong, holy spirit led solutions. His architecture and writing style flow with ease as he sums up the issues that block the presence of Christ flowing through our lives. Each chapter of his book flows from one to the next as he discusses such topics as: the story of Jacob; the blessings of His presence in our lives; Union with Christ-the ultimate blessing; the Holy Spirit-the fire of His presence; fasting for His presence; worship and His presence; role of brokenness and repentance; hindrances to His presence and times of God's special visitations.
If you thirst after God, or if you simply want more of God-this book comes highly recommended, as this writing gives the bread of life to those that would partake from it. Written for those that desire a deeper revelation and walk with God, this book is also highly recommended for those that feel burnt out, discouraged, disappointed, disillusioned and at the end of their walk. Not only will this book open eyes, but it also lovingly gives life to those that want to know more of Christ and His resurrection power in their lives. Again, you will never be the same after reading this book. Reading this book will will set your life on fire for Him and His presence!
His Presence: Our Greatest Need by Dr. Paul Mulani is available on Amazon .
You may also visit DFIChurch.com to find out more about Dr. Paul Mulani
Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
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