Genre – Christian Fiction – Apologetics
Date Reviewed: July 18, 2012
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Walking with Ghosts is a fictional story of man named Gus, who unbeknownst to him, is being watched by heavenly hosts and who, by divine appointment, is about to confront several ancient spirits that are influencing some companions of his. Author A.C. Kerr has developed a character driven dialogue addressing the issue of Christian apologetics that is thoroughly entertaining. The main goal of the author was, "to bridge the gap between what is available and what is accessible" to college students in an attempt to dispel atheistic beliefs and explain Christian apologetics in an interesting and fascinating way, without overwhelming the reader with too much theology or "data."
Gus, a Christian family man, finds himself in England on a work visa. He is a professor of geology at a small private college. He has befriended a man named Tom who is also a professor at the college. The two take a walk down a scenic countryside road and Gus is introduced to two other friends of Tom's. These four engage in dialogue that is intellectual, philosophical and theological in content as they travel this picturesque and quaint countryside road. They come upon an unusual old rustic tavern that is well known to Gus' newfound friends. These four continue their lively debates as they find warmth in this roadside tavern. Together, Gus finds great companionship with the four, even though their beliefs relating to God, the Universe, Evolution and Creation, differ to a great degree.
Continuing these great debates, the four then embark on a sightseeing vacation that leads them to several ancient civilizations which furthers their progressive dialogue. Gus being a devout Christian is firm in his Christian beliefs. He confronts these men, who for the most part are atheists and whom are ruled by various spirits that deny the deity of Christ. As these discussions progress the author makes fantastic progress at answering some of the most typical questions presented by science or what an atheist might present, therefore dispelling the common erroneous belief that, "…scientific evidence overwhelmingly stands against Christian beliefs."
The author has brilliantly addressed issues such as the evidence for creation, the existence of God, the origin of life, the flood, evolution, the Bible, unbelief and salvation throughout the dialogues of these four highly intellectual and educated men. The author does an excellent job of presenting these subjects, firmly giving a biblical answer without overwhelming the reader with scriptures or theology. Many questions such as, "Why is suffering allowed by a loving God?" are delicately, wisely and biblically answered or addressed.
This is a highly recommended, fast-paced read ending in an interesting little twist, enough to leave you wondering what the next volume is going to be about. This book is entertaining, humorous at times, and offers an unusual amount of biblical armory to defend against any evolutionist. This book would make a perfect gift to a college student, as they are often presented with all types scientific evidence and theories of how the world was created and how man came to be. This book is also an excellent reference for any parent wanting to re-enforce Christianity within their child who may be attending a secular college. As a parent of a college student myself, this book is much appreciated and goes a long way to show that there is overwhelming evidence that God does exist and that we just didn't evolve.
Walking with Ghosts by Author A.C. Kerr is available on Amazon and other fine online bookstores. Get your copy today.
Highly Recommended
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
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Highly Recommended
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
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