May 14, 2012
"Author shares about abuse, witnessing the unimaginable and the hope found in Christ"
Author Antionette Campbell releases From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope. Surviving a horrific family tragedy, Antionette Campbell, witnessed the unimaginable. As a young child her life was filled with abuse, then at the age of 11 she witnessed her enraged drunken father assault her mother with a knife. As she watched her mother's lifeless body, it was a miracle that she was not killed. As a result, her siblings and her were taken away into custody and Antionette was forced to testify against her own father.
This event and the history of abuse sent Antionette into a pit of despair that entrapped her most of her young life. She offers her heart and soul through this journey that became the poems of hope as she triumphantly declares that God has turned her tragedy into triumph. Author Antionette Campbell offers hope to the hopeless and reaches out to those who are broken and spiritually bankrupt. This illumination of her book continues to give those who read it life and hope in God.
Antionette Campbell has a unique writing style that boldly proclaims the absolute healing power found in Christ. As the author states, "It doesn't matter who you are, how deep you have fallen into despair or how tight the chains of bondage are around you, God's power can set you free!" The author speaks of being transformed from the inside out and into a wonderful new journey. There is healing and new life that's only found in Christ.
For more information about the author, her ministry and From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope visit the author at Christian Reading Antionwtte Campbell
For more information about the author, her ministry and From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope visit the author at Christian Reading Antionwtte Campbell
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