Author: Robert P. Holland
ISBN # 9781466485631
Date Reviewed: April 24, 2012
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Author, Pastor, Robert P. Holland, from his many years of experience as a Pastor and a believer has written a comprehensive booklet on "The Chosen Fast", as spoken of in Isaiah 58, while comparing the purposes, meanings and technicalities of Traditional Fasts, the Daniel Fast, to include Public Fasts and 21/40 day Fasts for individuals.
Holland addresses, "The Chosen Fast" as a lifestyle that should be embraced by every believer. If you find yourself lacking passion and drive, this book will inspire you to come up higher, and will ignite in the heart a passion to serve others, find wisdom and serve the Lord with all your heart, mind, body and soul. The author also dispels many of the false presumptions Christians may have on the subject of fasting and prayer alike, causing readers to examine their lives through the perspective and lens of "The Chosen Fast" as spoken of in Isaiah 58.
Filled with Wisdom and Truth from the Scriptures, the author addresses the lifestyle of a believer and what that lifestyle is to emanate from the born-again, spirit-filled Christian. This Chosen Fast is the culmination of Old Testament and New Testament teachings on what believers are to do while we wait upon Christ's return. Written to help encourage and exhort others to live as they should and as Christ commanded until He returns, the author has compiled an easy-to-read and fast-paced booklet that will not only educate and encourage readers on fasting, but instills the desire to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and to be a doer of the Word, rather than only a hearer of the Word.
This is a much-needed book in today's materialistic, self-centered society that will benefit the body of Christ greatly and the world fulfilling the Great Commission. This book is a highly recommended read for every Christian. Considering and acting upon these teachings which follow Jesus' teachings will revolutionize your life, your walk with God, your prayer life and intern you will find new life, Jesus' life.
A Very Highly Recommended Read
The Chosen Fast & Prayer by Robert P. Holland
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews
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