by Dr. James B. Joseph
Experiencing Jesus' Joy is a must read for every Christian, whether a new or mature follower of Christ. This book will provide those who read it a deeper understanding of God's Word, will, and direction for their lives. Through the reading of Experiencing Jesus' Joy, Dr. Joseph invites everyone to consider anew a close relationship with God in order that they may experience Jesus' joy on a daily basis as they help others know God more fully. By putting aside selfish desires and ambitions and being willing to give of themselves, Christ teaches His followers how to help others see the reality of God's love and enter into His eternal family. As individuals truly surrender their lives to the Father and His good purposes, they start realizing the same type of joy that Jesus did when He died a sinner's death on a cross making eternal life available for all who would start listening to God. Those who listen do so because they start realizing how much God really loves them and all others.
Brother James' main passion is to help as many as possible come to understand God's heart-felt desire for them to join Him and His eternal close-knit holy family for eternity. Through the reading of Experiencing Jesus' Joy, Dr. Joseph will show his readers that following Christ will open the door to a new life that allows God to developing His personal attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in them. The benefit of following Christ who also obediently follows His Heavenly Father starts immediately not waiting for some future time in Heaven, which will be great.
After over thirty years of ministry, Brother James has written this particular book to help as many as possible come to know their God-given purpose in life and experience more godly joy as they follow God's lead day-by-day. Dr. Joseph is well aware that one of the most common complaints among Christians today is that they lack the love and joy that they felt when they first submitted to Christ and became a Christian. Godly joy, inner peace, and excitement can be re-kindled in their life to burn brighter than ever before as individuals realize anew how worthy God is of their submission to His lead and start following Him as He saves as many as will listen from a life of eternal suffering and shame. Jesus wants us all to experience the joy that He experienced at the Cross and that He still is experiencing as He leads as many as will listen through His followers into the eternal presence of His Father and ours.
Dr. Joseph learned the ancient languages of the Bible so that he could understand in-depth God's message of love for all and then help others understand this great message more fully. He holds graduate degrees from Wake Forest University, Hood Theological Seminary, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was licensed as a Gospel minister in 2000 and ordained as a pastor in 2007. He presently teaches the Bible in the seminary at Liberty University. His earlier book, Victory in Jesus: Being a Child of God (1997), brought great reviews from many Christian leaders of various denominations. It is clear from his writings, that Brother James wants those who will follow Jesus to work together as the Family of God and minister to a world that desperately needs God and His salvation.
To find out more about the author, his ministry and his books visit the author's website In Jesus' Service. Experiencing Jesus' Joy, is also available through your local book stores and places on line such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
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