Author: Samuel O. Enyia
ISBN # 978-1-4568-0070-3 (soft cover),
Hardcover and E-book editions available
Review Date: January 24, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Author and previous pastor, Samuel O. Enyia in his book, "Be Healed! Challenges and Triumphs of Health and Healing" writes to all those who are afflicted with any disease, sickness or suffering. He offers hope and encouragement to all those that are suffering and hopes they may find help, comfort, inspiration and "… ultimately healing in their own lives." The author encourages the reader to not give up no matter what the circumstances may speak, and encourages those who have faith in Jesus not to give up. Having had his own life threatening challenges and having experienced miraculous healing in his own life, the author is uniquely qualified to testify to the triumphant healing he has received and witnessed in his family members' lives as well. While challenges present themselves, triumphantly and courageously, Enyia boldly proclaims the Gospel and faithfully writes that the healing of Jesus is available to all. This book points the reader to the one Who is the ultimate Healer and Great Physician, Jesus. A much needed book in these times, as many desire recovery and restoration to health.
This book is invaluable in our world today in that it takes a comprehensive look at the subject, and often controversial, issue of divine healing. Going back to the beginning in the Book of Genesis the author takes the reader through a faith filled journey that educates the reader on the origin of sickness, the fall, who is it that heals, the ministry of healing through prayer and Christians, Jesus' mandate and mission, healing gifts, healing in Acts and why are all not healed. Emphatically, the author claims the Word of God is truth and must be relied upon for healing, and states that in today's world while medical intervention is available, sometimes this is not always the answer or the only answer.
Each chapter is revealing and compelling as the author delves into the miraculous works of Jesus during His ministry on earth. Offering the reader faith and the Word of God, the author builds faith because, "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God…" The book is refreshing in that the author does not give his opinion, but rather offers the revealed Word of God as the core foundation of his book.
Addressing the skeptics, the author honestly approaches the questions asked of some such as why is one person healed and one is not? Why are all not healed? And why does the church not experience miracles as in times past? All these questions are answered, by not a pumping up of faith, but by honestly referring the reader back to the Word of God.
Ending with strategies of how best to go through, battle and wage war against illness, Enyia, gives the reader faith to stand upon that is rich in scripture. Holy Spirit inspired, this writing will edify, encourage and educate the Body of Christ. Written by a man of great faith and one who has seen miraculous healing in his own life; the author has been faithful to the Lord in writing this book as to encourage all to not give up! What comfort and inspiration this book will offer to many. This book will become a life preserver for many offering answers and life to many who are suffering with disease and prolonged illnesses. A must read and a highly recommended book that will forever change your life and build your faith!
Be Healed! Challenges and Triumphs of Health and Healing by Samuel O. Enyia
A Highly Recommended Read
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
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