Author: Marsha Lenski
ISBN #: 1-591600-05-7
Review Date: December 1, 2011
Reviewed By: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
From Sinking Sand is an extraordinary book by Author Marsha Lenski testifying to her moral failure in the form of an adulterous affair. Marsha has been featured on "Life Today" with James and Betty Robison and CBN's 700 Club with her amazing testimony. Her story is a familiar one; at the time, she had no idea the ripple effect her adulterous affair would have in her life, nor that her moral failure would ever be discovered. What makes this book so extraordinary is that the author is brazenly honest and surprisingly transparent as she takes the reader back to her time of playing with the fire of adultery. Not only did she get burned in the process, being reduced to a pile of ashes, but her husband, her children, her close friends and family, extended friends and even acquaintances all learned that no one can play with fire and not get burned. Not only was her life forever changed, but also that of everyone she knew.
This book is a wake-up call to all who might consider adultery as some light thing. Not only is this book a warning, it provides substantial scriptural application that shows how not to 'build your house on sinking sand' while yet offering great hope. That hope is forgiveness and the absolute Truth of God's Word.
It has been Marsha's desire in writing this book to minister to those who are in or who are considering an adulterous relationship. It's a warning, a chance to turn away from those things which might cause you or your loved ones great harm. Marsha eloquently delves into her emotions and what happened to cause her to want to stray from her marriage. She did not set out to destroy anyone and thought she could get away with "her little game" as she puts it, without anyone ever finding out. Little did she know that the destruction that was planned for her was far beyond what she could have ever imagined and the price was so great that she lost everything she held dear. That was the enemy's plan for her life and those involved. That is always his plan. He comes to steal, kill and destroy.
A great understanding of the enemy's (Satan's) vices used against us as believers and non-believers will have been laid bare by reading this book. The enemy is looking to bring destruction and misery anyway he can and temptation is one of his devices. Far too many Americans have tasted the bittersweet, but devastating sting of adultery. The divorce rate in America is almost at 50% and unfortunately, Christians are no exception, as the author's memoir so vividly reveals. The author also reiterates the obvious truth of why God hates divorce; there is always destruction involved.
But there is hope, that hope is found in a loving Savior who died for our sins. The promise of that covenant is written in blood-His own blood for eternity. It doesn't matter how deep of a pit you might be in or what your condition might be, no sin is too great and it's never to late to turn to Jesus Christ as your Savior. This book lovingly testifies to the great love, mercy and grace of God and how, when you surrender your life to the Lord how He can turn your life around for the good.
Come and learn how to build your house on the Rock, so that when the storms of life come, your house will still be left standing!
From Sinking Sand by Author Marsha Lenski
Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by, Christian Book Reviews
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