The brother would post these invitation saying "God's Going To Speak Tonight Through His Walkie Talkie", and the reality was that the brother was constantly ex halting himself in the ears of the forum members, as God's spokes person. Of course the message was always about speaking in tongues, and the latest revelation from God about it. As if we needed any new revelation. Most people can't even except the book of Acts.
Well 1st let me say that God does speak through His prophets, and I do believe in the prophetic ministry. While at the same time, I have come to also understand that men have turned the true prophetic ministry into a around the bases, join this click, take this class, and your now prophetic, which is a bunch of horse shit. Oh my God, I sinned, right? How about vipers and snakes, which in that day was like flipping someone the bird and spitting on them at the same time.
Over the years, I have attended many prophetic gatherings, read tons of prophetic writings, seen it all, and heard it all. Within such, I have seen great things come forth, and I have seen a whole lot of horse shit. Piles of it.
So at one time this blogspot was dedicated to the brother that I removed as forum moderator who then started prophesying curses against me, and showing his true colors which were shades of darkness, lacking in love. I simply used this site as a place to post the garbage inflicted upon me through emails, posts on the Internet and set the blog as private. As time passed the brother eventually sent me a letter of apology, wanted to again minister through the forum and ministry, however I said just moved on. This left me with this blog with the name God's Walkie Talkies, so I decided to open it up and put it to use.
So now I have this additional blog, with a somewhat unusual name. But then again, it's not all that unusual in today's online Christian sites. At least I'm not selling anointed blow your nose cloths, vials of oil, or prophetic words for the price of membership. Ho, Ho, read Isaiah 55: 1-3.
By the way, if your into revelation and the prophetic ministry, we have something in common. Let me give you some sound advice. Before you start following these so called prophets, and prophetic ministries. Read and study the word of God from Genesis to the book of Revelations. It is full of prophecy and revelation. The real deal.
Here are some scriptural truths about prophets and the prophetic ministry. Spend some time at these two sites which are fill of scriptures surrounding the Office Of The Prophet and The Prophetic Ministry.
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