PROPHET or PROPHETS Inspired Messengers of God" God's Servant - Zech. 1:6 God's Messenger - 2 Chr. 3:16 Holy Prophets - Luke 1:70 Watch Men - Ezek. 3:17
Prophet of God - Ezra. 5:2
MESSAGE OF THE PROPHETS Centered in Christ - Luke 10:24
Interputed by Christ - Luke 24:27 United in Testimony - Acts 3:21, 24
Contain Grace/Salvation - 1 Peter 1:9-21 Abiding Revelation - Matt.5: 17-18
PROPHETS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Paul - 1 Tim. 4:1 Peter - 2 Peter 2:1-2 John - Revelations 1:1
OFFICE BASED ON "Christ's Prophetic Office - Duet. 18:15, 18 thru 22"
FUNCTIONS OF THE PROPHET Strengthen - Acts 15:32 Define God's Will - Acts 13:1-3 Predict the future - Acts 21:10-11
FALSE PROPHETS PROPHECY PEACE Prophecy Peace - Jeremiah 23:17 Doctrine - Is. 8:20 Prophecies - 1 Kings - 13:1-32 Lives - Matt.- 7:15,16
PROPHETIC VISION Understandable - Dan. 7:15-19
Authenticated by Divine Glory - Ezek. 8:1-4
Personal / Phenomenal - Dan: 10:7-9 Dated/
Localized - Ezek. 1:1-3 Prophetic - Dan. 9:21-24
"Absence of Tragic - Proverbs 29:18"
Performance of Sure - Ezek. 12:21-28
Proof of Messianic Times - Joel 2:28 / Acts 2:17 / Ezek. 33:9-12
Conformation (steadfast and sure) - Dan. 9:12-27
Faithfulness in Performance of Duty - Dan: 6:1-3, 28
The Lord's Day - Rev. 1:10
Dreams - Gen.20:3
Prophecy - Gen: 3:15
Holiness of Christ - Prophets - Is. 11:4-5
PRESENCE DIVINE Glory - 1 Chr. 16:27
Joyful - Psalms - 16:11
Protective - Psalms 31:20
Everywhere - Psalms 139:7 Guide - Ex. 33:14, 15
PROPHECY - Inspired foretelling of events Given by God - Is. 41:22, 23
Centered in Christ - Luke 24:26,27,44
Inspired by the Spirit - 2Peter 1:21
Not of one's own interpretation - 2Peter 1:20
Always Relevant - Rev. 22:10
TRUE BASED ON Inspiration - Mic. 3:8
Foreknowledge - Is. 42:9
FALSE BASED ON Peaceful Message - Jer. 23:17-22
Apostasy from God - Deut. 13:1-5
Lying - Jer. 23: 25-34
Scoffing - 2 Peter 3: 3,4
FULFILLMENT OF Unconditional - Ezek. 12:25-28
Sometimes Unconditional - Jon. 3:1-10
Dated - Daniel 9:24-27 Non literal - Matt. 17:10-12
Unrecognized by Jews - Acts 13:27-29
Interpretation of needed - Luke 24:25-44
Often referred to - Matt. 1:22-23 / Matt. 2:14-23
FUTURE - that which is beyond the present Only God knows - Is. 41: 21-23
Revealed by Christ - John 13:19
By the Spirit - John 16:13
Man's Ignorance of - Luke 19:41-44
No provision for, dangerous - Luke 12:16-21
Proper provision for - Matt. 6:19-34
INTREPETATION - making the unknown known Agents of: Jesus Christ - Luke 24:25-47
Holy Spirit - 1 Cor. 2:11-16
Angels - Luke 1:26-37
Prophets and apostles - Eph. 3:2-11
MESSENGER - one sent on a mission Deliver the Lord's Message - Hag. 1:13
RECEPTION OF; Rejected - Deut. 2:26-30
Humiliated - 1 Chr. 19:2-4
Rebuked - 2 Kings 1:2-5, 16
HOLY SPIRIT Prophecy - Rev.19:10
Teaches - John 14:26
Empowers - Mic. 3:8
Truth - John 14:17
Speaks in Prophets - Acts 28:25
Illuminates the Mind - 1 Cor. 2:12-13 / Eph. 1:17-17
Reveals things of God - Is. 40:13-14 / 1 Cor. 2:10-13
MOUNTAIN - High Elevation -
Used for Distant Visions - Duet.3:27
Place of prophecy - Matt. 24:3 Distant Vision - Deut. 3:27
Judgements - Jer. 13:16
Move - To Change Positions - Prophets - 2 Peter 1:21
Signs - God's Wonders - Ps. 65:8
Confirm a Prophecy - 1 Kings 13:3-5
SPIRIT OF CHRIST 1 Peter 1:10 / Gal.4:6 / Rom. 8:9 / Phil. 1:19 / Acts 4:29-31 / Eph.5:18 1 Cor.12:10 / 1 Thess. 5:19-21 / Eph. 5:18
Applied to Gifts - 1 Cor. 12:1
Decernment - 1 Cor. 2:13-15
HOLINESS OF CHRIST Announced in Prophets - Is. 11:4-5
Proclaimed by - Gabriel - Luke 1:35 Peter - Acts - 4:27-30 Paul - 2 Cor. 5:21 John - 1 John 2:1,29
ANOINTING - Pouring Oil Upon Priest - 1 Kings Ex. 29:7 Prophets - 1 Kings 19:16
SACRED PURPOSES Set apart - Ex. 30:22-39
Institute Into Office - 1 Sam. 16:12,13 (Significance of, as indicating)
Divine Appointment - 2 Chn. 22:7 Special Honor - 1 Sam. 24:6, 10
Special Privilege - Psalms 105:15
God's Blessings - Psalms 23:5
APPOINT - to set in an official position or office Prophetic Office - Heb. 3:2 Ordain, establish, set decree - Jer. 1:5
Striving Spiritual To enter the straight gate - Luke 13:24
With Divine help - Col. 1:29 In prayer - Rom. 15:30
For the faith of the gospel - Phil. 1:27
Valley of Decisions - location unknown Called "valley of Jehoshaphat" - Joel 3:2, 12, 14
Refers to final Judgement - Joel 3:1-21
FIRE - Supernatural Uses Manifest God - Ex. 3:2
Indicate God's Power - Ex. 9:24 Express God's Approval - Revelations 9:24
God's Protection - Zech. 2:5
Christ - Mal. 3:2
Holy Sprit - Acts 2:3
Angels - Heb. 1:7
Purification - Is. 6:5-7
Love - Song 8:6 Hot - Heat - Zeal Psalms 39:3 /
Real Faith - Rev. 3:15
FINGER - Used figurately of; God's Power - Ex. 8:19
Lord's Authority - Luke 11:20
Incense - Perfume - Sweet Perfume- Aroma Typical of : Worship - Psalm 141:2
Prayer - Rev. 5:8 / 8:34 Praise - Mal. 1:11
Approved Service - Eph. 5:2
Of Sacrifices - Lev. 26:31
Figurative of gifts - Ph. 4:18
Ointment fragrance - John 12:3
Glories - Psalms 45:8
Righteousness and intercession - Song 3:6
Priestly garments Purpose of: Used in Holy oil - Ex. 30:34-38 "Holy unto the Lord"
We are the temple of God Figurative of: New Life - Hos.14:7
Prayers - Rev. 5:8
Christian Service - Ph.4:18
Fragrance - "a sweet odor" figurative of restoration - Hosea 14:1-9 Lebanon - figurative of Spiritual Transformation- Is.29:17 Spiritual Growth - Hosea 5:7 Frankincense - "fragrant" - figurative of worship Psalms 141:2 Aroma - "a pleasant smell" - figurative of gifts - odor of a sweet smell - a sacrifice well pleasing to God - Phil. 4:18 Sweet - Figurative of Spiritual Fellowship - Psalm 55:14 God's Word - Psalm 119:103
"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in heaven".
Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries
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